Storage Properties
There are 6 data storage properties in Essbase.
Calc & Store
6.Label Only
Stored Data
Storage(Stored type) : This is default storage property of Essbase which stores
the data and responsible to create blocks and cells, as blocks & cells are
created on the cumulative multiplication of stored type of members in sparse
& dense dimensions.
Never Share(Stored
type) : This storage property is used to avoid implicit sharing . Any parent
which has only single child then essbase intelligently creates implicit sharing
between parent & child saving the value only at 1 location.
Dynamic Calc
& Store(Stored type): This storage property is also stored type and get the
value dynamically calculated for the first time and then going forward it gets
the value from stored location and if value of dynamic calc & store
children is changed then it(dynamic calc & store) members calculates the
member on the fly and stores the value in it.
Dynamic Calc(Not
Stored type) : This storage type does not store the data but gets the value
dynamically calculated on the fly based on the member formula or children below
(If parent
is tagged as Dynamic Calc with out any formula then children below it gets
rolled up by default , if you are tagging any Level0 member as Dynamic Calc
then you should write a formula on it.)
Shared (Not
Stored type): This storage type doesn’t
store the value but gets the value from its base member. This is
basically used to use value of 1 member at different location .This member
should be always defined after the base member.(This is used for reporting
purpose or calculating group data). Shared
members typically are used to calculate the same member across multiple
Only(Not Stored type) : This storage type doesn’t store the value , we use this
data storage property when there no need to aggregate the value of children
below, non –level0 members cannot be tagged as Label only , when we tag any
dimension or member as label only then parent member (label only tagged) member
gets the value of first child. Example is Scenario dimension we don’t aggregate
scenario members to parent and doesn’t make sense in adding the members which
are basically the slices of data (categories of data).
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